Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wardrobe Collection: The Daily Handbag

What handbag are you carrying today? Is it a large, heavy, overstuffed tote? Is it showing wear on the handles or corners? Does it speak to your style and complement your personal brand? The handbag is an accessory that, when chosen thoughtfully, can complete your look and elevate your entire outfit.

  • Lighten the load - carry a smaller handbag that will limit the number of items that will fit. We carry so many "just in case" items that we do not need. Now move about your day with greater ease, and less shoulder pain. Your look will transform to polished and effortless.
  • Use the handles, ditch the strap - Carrying your handbag at your side by the handles looks more chic than hanging your bag on your shoulder. It also protects your clothing from wear or damage on the shoulder area. 
  • Cull your collection - examine each handbag you own for signs of wear and tear. Has it served it's purpose and now collects dust? Donate or sell. Keep your high quality bags that speak to your style, and eliminate those that do not meet your needs. 

Finally, don't "save" your favorite, beautiful handbags for special occasions only. Use your favorite, high-quality bags every day, and take great care of them. Easy, effortless style looks so much better than burdened with a heavy tote or worn-out bag.

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